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Access Your Confidence

Writer's picture: Lori WagnerLori Wagner

Authority. It's an important topic. One that is often misunderstood. Any true authority comes from God and aligns with His Word. God is the source of all life and all authority! When we know we have heard from God, we have ACCESS to the CONFIDENCE we need to be and do what He has created us to be and do—because our confidence is in Him who called us (look at Paul, Peter, Jeremiah).


Faith! It's about faith! Faith is the evidence of things not observable with our physical eyes, yet there are inner words and callings heard in our spirits—and gifts that do make themselves known. Divine promptings pursue us ... until we choose to align ourselves with His will and pursue what God planted in the soil of our souls. His fingerprints are there the soil of your soul! With God as our source, any assignment or authority over us and given to us must align with His character, and His motivations—loving, guiding, helping, correcting, comforting, healing, proclaiming liberty, righteousness, and justice for all. Growing us and others in God's grace.'s the substance, the foundation of our confidence. It's why we can go boldly to the throne (because our faith is in Christ and what He has done for us). The same word translated as "substance" (G5287) is also translated as "foundation" and "confidence." And — get this — it is also translated as "person" in Heb 1:3 in reference to Jesus who is the express image of God's "person." Jesus! We see and experience God's glory in the face of Jesus Christ. He's the FOUNDATION on which we stand. Our assurance and confidence are in Christ... when we "stand under"... align ourselves with His authority and calling. I can't see Him, but I know His voice. I know His Word. I know the peace His government rule brings to my mind and spirit. Jesus is YOUR guarantee! He is the beginning and the ending, the author and finisher.


God was not satisfied to remain an "abstract concept" to His people. He became flesh and dwelt among us. As we look to Jesus, we find the foundation, the confidence, the substance of all He says He is, and the strength to step out in faith. Jesus marveled at the great faith of the centurion who understood authority. The chain of command for kingdom authority begins with God who fills and empowers His people.

We embrace God-given authority because we accept His prerogative to choose whom and what and when and where for us—because He is King of kings and Lord of lords. He is the giver of every gift, every grace— and these are the very words (gift and grace, "charis" and "charisma") used in Scripture for the Spirit of God, the function of God's people, the endowment gifts of the Spirit given to unite and empower believers to fulfill the Great Commission. This includes both outreach and the nurture of the family of God. Jesus, the image of God, reached into the world, and now He calls you and me to continue His work, empowered by the same Spirit. Embrace your gift. Embrace your authority.

Be confident and courageous. And be joyful....

Heb 4:14–16 | Phil 2:12–13 | Eph 2:10 | 2 Cor 4:6 | Matt 28:18



©2025 by Affirming Faith

Clarkston, MI

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